Saturday, April 16, 2016

More about Topaz

 Topaz, the Yellow Conjure Cat

As I've already mentioned, Topaz is not an ordinary cat. He's very much a product of the mystical world he lives in. His large luminous topaz eyes, a trait characteristic of his breed, have an unsettling effect on those who are  unaccustomed to him. Even those who know him well may be put off on occasion. That may be because Topaz appears to be looking through  a being rather that looking at them.

Aside from his eerie eyes, Topaz has other physical traits that set him apart from some other cats. He weighs more than the Elf king and his shoulders come well past the king's waist. This would make him roughly one hundred and fifty pounds. His thick short hair is a buttery yellow color and is striped with pale orange.

 Topaz is committed to the ancient Code he swore to uphold as did his forefathers before him. The Code governs the use of his unique conjure power, and the power has its limits as well. These are but a few of the challenges our conjure cat faces when confronted with other beings who threaten the peace and safety of his beloved Knownotten Kingdom.

Nevertheless, Topaz's dedication does not end here in the Kingdom of Knownotten. He's often called to travel to other lands to protect  the powerless victims of evil and injustice. And he's not above accepting the advice and companionship of others as he strives to fulfill what he sees as his duty to protect the fairies and elves and other mystical beings.
Although these tales were written for the entertainment of those who enjoy fast- paced mystical adventures as well as original fairy tales, there is an emphasis on the value of courage, commitment, friendship, and loyalty.

Topaz, for all his good points, is not a perfect being. Like some of us, he's been known to lose his patients and to speak without thinking. As you learn more about him, I'm sure you'll find these aren't his only failings. All the same, he's well loved by his friends and by readers, young and old alike.

Topaz the Yellow Conjure Cat Books 

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